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Board of Commissioners - Union City

Executive Director:

Sandra M. Strozier


Joann CummingsChairperson

Annie Barlow

Thomas Francis, D. Min.

Eric Merritt

Eddie Phillips

2024 Meeting Schedule - Board Meetings 

Notice is hereby given that the Union City Housing Authority's Board Meetings take place as announced every quarter (every three months) on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Chambers, Union City, GA (unless otherwise noted).

Notification will be sent and posted in reference to any changes to the schedule.

Wednesday: January 17, 2024

Wednesday: May 15, 2024

Wednesday: October 16, 2024 

Wednesday: December 4, 2024 (If needed for end-of-year approvals)

These meetings are open to the public. For additional information regarding Board Meeting Calendars, Minutes, dates, and times, please call 770.253.6461.